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We bring authentic flavors to your table for that divine 'thaninadan' dining experience.

-Our Certifications-

The SARAS Research & Development team are always keen to understand the needs of the modern day families, the reason why we constantly come up with nifty products that include a unique line of assortment 100% organic gourmet spices and other food products that make cooking easier and enjoyable. Saras is where you can find best in flavourful....


Saras products are AGMARK certified conforming to the set of standards mandated by the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, an attached office of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. The tests include chemical analysis, microbiological analysis, pesticide residue, and aflatoxin analysis.

Retort Technology

We employ retort technology in food packaging to sterilize food products and ensure effective shelf stability. When it comes to ready-to-cook products, most people are apprehensive about the quality of food products and whether they are safe to consume. But with retort packaging, the food products are heated in hermetically sealed containers to prevent microbial spoilage.